Nine Realms RP
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Horse stables

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Horse stables Empty Horse stables

Post by Sif Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:39 pm

These are the stables of Asgard.

Sif entered into the stable, she was holding her bow and wearing her armour as always. Sif walked to her mare Keila and put the bow somewhere close to her.   She entered into the Keila's box. "Hello Keila." She greeted the mare before to pet it, brush it and give it food and water. She was saddling Keila to go hunting in that moment. 

( Okay, I was trying to find a place where to start to Rp. I had no idea so I wrote this. I don't know if this is the right place for this topic. :/ )

Posts : 342
Join date : 2013-08-01
Age : 27
Location : Asgard

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Character Race: Asgardian
Alignment: Good
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