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Site Construction

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Site Construction Empty Site Construction

Post by Loki Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:12 pm

The site will soon be under going construction. I'm thinking about making quite a few changes...

The Biggest Change
Mostly, changing the overall RP forum part. I was thinking of making it more based on Thor (2011) movie or at least Asgard in general since really, that's all the RP going on here.

I could keep the previous RP threads and put them in a different part of the forum for rememberance. 

However, I would like to completely reset everything that's happened. (>< Don't yell at me guys.) I might even change characters depending on how everything goes and some other circumstances...

There will also be some changes to the look of the site, mostly color schemes and the widget bar on the left.

Please, please, please.... Let me know what you think whether it's a simple comment or question. Just go ahead and post it in reply.

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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Thor Odinson Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:36 pm

*pops out of nowhere*
Changes are good, changes are always good! I feel like the timeline here is confusing and there is a lot of things related and unrelated going on at the same time so it might be a little confusing? 
Maybe if there is a continuous thing majorly, with other unrelated or vaguely related things? I don't know.
But changes are good, yes. And well, we can always rebuild new good stories, so don't worry about resetting the previous plots.
Also, I'm not really good on site managing and stuff but if you need help, I finally have internet on my place and I would be glad to help in whatever I could. Site Construction Tumblr_inline_mg6eoniqkO1qiimjh
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Loki Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:11 pm

Unrelated: This thing is adorable > Site Construction Tumblr_inline_mg6eoniqkO1qiimjh Site Construction Frantic

Related: I will definitely be looking more into plot stuff. There is an actual RP item that can be added to the forum. I just want to explore it more and see what it is all about before I activate it for us all.
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Thor Odinson Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:31 pm

Unrelated: This is also adorable Site Construction Tumblr_m9ralkDCHA1qdlkyg
Also your new picture!!!! ksdjfjlsdkfjg

Related: I like more elaborated plots with lots of twists and turns. I play this one through email that has been going on for three months and I'm never bored out of it because we add characters and we change it to get more interesting all the time. I'm pro changing it all, even if it means deleting all the other things, anyway.
Thor Odinson
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Loki Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:38 pm

Unrelated: Where are you getting these things?! Site Construction Frantic And yes, yes it is. 

Related: You mentioned related and unrelated plots earlier being confusing, what kind of plot stuff would you like to see on the new RP part of the forum?
God of Mischief

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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Thor Odinson Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:57 pm

Unrelated: I get them all on tumblr!~ Also petition to make them official emoticons sdkfjsçdfg Site Construction Tumblr_m9gclhODl61qzckow

Related: Well, this is all very different of the roleplays I usually play, so I don't really know if it can work the same way. I play either alternative universes or things strictly related to Thor/The Avengers timelines and in case I want to add more things, a pre Thor timeline. 
So since we have a lot of original characters here, a pre Thor timeline would be good, I think.
Thor Odinson
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Loki Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:10 pm

Unrelated: I will make sure to add them. Very Happy 

Related: I was definitely thinking about doing a Pre-Thor timeline...or something along the lines of that. 
Right now, I'm doing a one on one RP with a friend through email, post-Avengers and kinda during Thor: The Dark World... or what we imagine parts of it to be. So I think I understanding what you're getting at.
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Thor Odinson Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:27 pm

Unrelated: Yaaaay, cute new emojis! Site Construction Tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow

Related: Pre Thor timelines are good because Loki is still sort of happy and we can add more elements and characters without damaging the future timelines. Since I have Thor and Loki as my otp, it makes me really comfortable on playing in this timeline because they are still friends and close to each other. But oh well, what do you have in mind?
Thor Odinson
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Loki Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:32 pm

Unrelated: ... Can I have a link to these tumblr emojis? (So I can add more of them)

Related: I was really thinking of doing the pre-Thor timeline. I think that before the events in Thor as well as after the events provide some really good plot items and more character depth. I like to explore the mind of my characters and go beyond what is known about that character when I can find an awesome Rp partner.
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Thor Odinson Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:00 pm

Unrelated: there is some here, but I have like four master posts of it

Related: Yes, pre-Thor timeline is really flexible and there is so much ahead! I really think a pre Thor background here would work well for everyone! 
And of course, the minor independent plots could work too and everyone would be happy!
I particularly like to stay on the character, I don't know what has gotten into me to make a dark!Thor here kdjfldfg
Thor Odinson
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Loki Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:07 pm

Unrelated: So adorable Site Construction Tumblr_m9gcr4ZOvq1qzckow

Related: So I think we've decided on the whole pre-Thor timeline.. Hopefully, that will work with everyone else... if anyone would like to comment upon it....
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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Sif Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:10 pm

I read everything and I agree! I'm sorry for my short post ><

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Site Construction Empty Re: Site Construction

Post by Roxanne Aldren Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:12 am

I dont mind rewriting my character a bit I think it would be fun Smile 
I like the thought of this taking place mostly in Asgard. Smile
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